Welcome to rcFoamFighters!
Thank you, we appreciate you for stopping by the rcFoamFighters website.
rcFoamFighters Brief History:
rcFoamFighters unofficially started in 2008 when brothers Paul and Frank Petty started scratch building RC planes from insulation foam and EPP Foam. rcFoamFighters was later officially started on January 1, 2009 when we created our rcFoamFighters YouTube Channel. We originally made the YouTube Channel as a place to share our RC plane flight videos and scratch build videos. In the early days we liked to build RC planes with insulation foam or EPP Foam. Shortly after we started experimenting with Foamboard to make RC planes, while most others were still using Depron Foam. We did make many park flyer style Foamboard planes over the years and many designs are shown on this website. Our favorite planes to build are usually High Speed EPP Foam planes, like Frank's FF-Bullet Plane and Paul's FF-Supernova.

The Website:
This Website is always a work in progress, but we hope you will find it helpful. We will be posting links to many of the RC Plane Designs we have created. There will be a good mix of Free PDF Plans and Pay For PDF plans available here. Please note the few PDF plans that are for sale are here to help us with costs to maintain this website, and may help with equipment costs for new builds. When time allows we will be adding more pictures to the Friends of Foam Fighters Gallery . The pictures are of fellow RC Plane Pilots who have shared pictures of their RC Scratch Build Planes too. If you have a picture to share, feel free to send it to us at rcff-admin@rcfomfighters.net. We will also be adding random posts to the Forum section covering motor tests, general RC information or anything else that may be of interest. The Forum is also here for you guys to post and share information and ideas. Note, Frank and Paul both have regular full time jobs that take up much of their time, but will try and do their best to add more content to this website as time allows.
Thank you again for visiting, Happy Flying!
Paul & Frank Petty
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (Paul) and
O'Fallon, Missouri, USA (Frank)